Relieve and Revive Physiotherapy offers services with the aim to improve and maintain patient health and well-being. Our clinic is registered to provide care and support for your physiotherapy needs across a wide variety of funding options.
Services provided at Relieve and Revive Physiotherapy
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As a registered National ADF Health Program provider, we can support our patients who are eligible under the program through a referral from your GP or medical specialist. Benefits from attending RnR Physio may include: improved movement and control through physical activity, reduce pain, soft tissue massage, and mobility aids. For more information on the National ADF Family Health Program and eligibility requirements, click here.
Eligible patients with Medicare-Enhanced Primary Care (EPC Plans) organised by a GP can receive up to 5 physiotherapy sessions in a calendar year. There is no out-of-pocket cost for public patients with Medicare and is fully rebatable. Fees will vary for patients with private health funding. For more information on EPC Plans, click here.
Currently, our practice services NDIS clients with self-managed funding or require assistance in applying for NDIS. Eligible NDIS participants can utilise their Capacity Building (CB) Health and Wellbeing to fund sessions. For patients over 65 with a disability, a Continuity of Services program is available to access for funding. For more information on NDIS for physiotherapy and other allied health services, click here.
Independently-funded patients with or without private health insurance are welcomed at any time. Please visit Allied Health Professions Australia’s website for updates on restrictions or contact us for more information.
Registered with TAC, we are able to assist patients in optimising their road to recovery and achieving their full potential. Here at RnR Physio, we empathise what our patients are experiencing post trauma and are here for you every step of the way. For more information on TAC claims, please click here.
RnR Physio is registered under WorkSafe Victoria to provide rehabilitation for patients who sustain work related injuries. Our services will ensure support for patients on the road to recovery by improving and maintaining physical health before returning to work. For more information on WorkCover claims, click here.

Coming Soon: Home Visits
RnR Physio endeavours to bring our services and expertise to clients right to their home. Home visits will be commencing soon at a later notice.